When have you ever heard that removing your jacket is more formal?  Like never!  Well let me tell you…. taking off a book’s dust jacket is a clear exception.

My client’s will confirm, no doubt, that I have an aversion to book jackets or dust covers as they’re sometimes called.  Generally more colorful than the book’s more neutral binding, they can be distracting when displayed.

Book Jackets

Let me give you an example…. In the past month alone, I have done three projects where the owners had the full series of Harry Potter books on display.  While certainly a classic collection to have on hand, the dust jackets leave much to be desired in a more ‘adult’ space.  Simply by removing the colorful artwork that covers the binding, you have a series of books that make a more ‘mature’ statement regardless of the teenage content!

Harry Potter Books

Of course, I’m not just picking on poor Harry Potter.  From John Grisham to Stephen King to Nora Roberts, any book looks better with the jacket removed in my opinion.  With a solid-color binding and print lettering, every genera of book is more suitable for a library or decorative display with the dust jacket removed.  Occasionally, especially with books heavy on photography, you’ll find that the glossy binding is the exact same as the jacket.  But even in those cases, the jacket can be removed.  Invariably jackets become tattered and worn on the edges and don’t look nice anyway.

So, unless you have a signed, original copy or limited print book that needs protection, go ahead and liberate your books by taking off their jackets.  Not only will they look better on your shelves, but no one will be the wiser whether you prefer to read the wizarding wonders of the ‘boy who lived’, the legal wranglings of Jake Brigance or bad boy turned good cop Cam Rafferty.

Happy Formal Decorating from Decor Designs.  815-245-2433